Bullying Prevention
Pennsylvania’s definition of bullying
Bullying shall mean an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act, or series of acts:
(1) directed at another student or students;
(2) which occurs in a school setting;
(3) that is severe, persistent or pervasive; AND
(4) that has the effect of doing any of the following:
(i) substantially interfering with a student’s education;
(ii) creating a threatening environment; or
(iii) substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school; and
“school setting” shall mean in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school.
What to do!
Adolescent bullying can take on many different forms: electronic, written, verbal, and physical. Whatever the form, bullying includes an abusive intent and the act is hurtful. Whether you are a victim or a witness, bullying can’t be ignored and action must be taken!
It is recommended that the victim of a bully be assertive and respectful. The victim should tell the bully to stop, and if necessary warn the bully that he/she will be reported if the behavior doesn’t stop.
Students who witness bullying should also be assertive and speak out respectfully against the bullying behavior. It is recommended that the witness also report the bullying to an adult.
Finally, it is important for parents to contact the school to report all incidents of bullying. All cases that are reported will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.
While these actions may seem like simplistic solutions, working together we can stamp out bullying!
What is the difference between conflict, teasing, rough play and bullying?
Bullying is intentional humiliation and/or harm inflicted on a child who is seen as less powerful. Bullying is a form of peer abuse and should never be ignored.
Conflict occurs between children with equal power. Conflict is a normal part of life and not meant to intentionally harm others. Bullying is not conflict and should not be resolved using conflict resolution or peer mediation strategies.
Teasing is typically a behavior that is between friends or family members to positively change someone’s behavior. For example: “C’mon slowpoke,” “Okay, Michael Jordan. Let’s see you block this shot.”
Rough Play is usually between friends, and there is no intent to harm. The children interact in a positive, friendly manner.
Understanding the difference between these forms of behavior is important so that adults can response and follow up appropriately. When inappropriate behaviors are witnessed, adults and/or peers should intervene.
For more information on bullying prevention, click on the link below. This will take you to the SafeSchools webpage separate from the Upper Adams Middle School webpage.