College Resources
College Search Websites
Looking for a place to start your college search? Check out some of these websites!
Big Future - Explore various colleges and complete searches on your profile to find the best match for you
College Affordability Guide - Navigate by state or by subject to learn about which schools are the most affordable, especially for low income students, and which have the best graduation success rates
Level All - Contact College & Career Adviser to be invited to this site. Level all is an online platform (app and website) that delivers a continuously updated content library of over 12,000 in-depth, snackable, unbiased articles and videos covering the most critical issues facing American high school families today.
College Navigator - If you are data driven, check this site out to see the hard numbers about a college
College Results - Find colleges, and compare and contrast them to see which would be best for you
College Week Live - Tune in to various talks and discussions from your favorite colleges
I'm First - Get stories and more from actual students who were the first in their families to go to college
PHEAA - PHEAA's website offers many tools to help you find a career, major, college, and much more
Zinch - A large database of colleges and scholarships
Nursing and Medical Related Careers - Looking to go into the medical field but aren't sure which career is best? Look over this list of 50 nursing/medical related fields to see if anything sparks your interest
Fair Opportunity Project - This site offers a a full-fledged guide to the college process, including application and financial aid advice.
Online Speech Pathology Guide - includes lists of scholarships, comprehensive degree program data, licensing & certification info by state, and career profiles for the industry.
Where Can I Find Scholarships?
There are many different types of scholarships, so be sure to do an in-depth search to find the ones that best fit you.
Check out this website for financial definitions, information, resources, and scholarship links: The Ultimate Scholarship Guide 😁
Here are some great online scholarship databases to check out:
Dollars for College
Dollars for College is an organization that is meant to help students and families be prepared for sending a student off to college. The Dollars for College website has many different resources available for students in all grades of high school, college students, and for parents/caregivers. Below there are links to the toolkits for seniors in both English and Spanish.
Student Financial Planning Toolkit for 12th Grade
un kit de herramientas de planificación financiera para el estudiante