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Homeschool Information

Homeschooling For The 2024-2025 School Year

This website will link you to documentation regarding deadlines, registration, services, appendices, contact information, regulations, and the Homeschool Packet.  If you have any questions, please contact the District Office at (717) 677-7191 or Courtney McCreary at

Students that are enrolled in homeschooling either all day or part of the day are not eligible for the Upper Adams School District Diploma and are not included in the consideration for awards or GPA standings such as honor roll.
When home school students receive recognition for in school performance on a test or in competitions, or when they receive recognition on national school performance measures, they will be included in press releases.

Important Dates:
August 15th             All requests for use of materials for the current school year are due.
January 31st            Date all records must be retrieved by parents if the child has been withdrawn to be homeschooled since the beginning of the current school year.  Records may be destroyed after this date. 
March 15th                   All requests for participation in curricular and/or co-curricular activities for the following school year are due.  
June 30th                 Homeschool Evaluation Forms are due to the Upper Adams School District.  This is a required component for all homeschooled students.
Ongoing                   All applications, affidavits, and health record forms to conduct homeschooling are requested at least two (2) weeks in advance of the beginning of schooling.
Ongoing                  Requests for services will be accepted provided the request is enough in advance to permit a reasonable time for response.
Ongoing                  Enrollment on the school rolls can be processed at any time but it must precede any involvement with the school.

Student Registration and Appendices
Home school students enrolling as Full-Time Students-  During the last school year if your child was home schooled and now wants to enroll full time in the school district.  Please bring the following information to the school office in the building which your child will attend:                            

                          1.  Student registration form is located on the left-hand column of the screen
                          2.  Student's original birth certificate or passport
                          3.  Student's immunizations
                          4.  Parent/guardian proof of residency in the school district
                              (acceptable forms are signed lease, current utility bill, or sale of house agreement)
                          5.  Guardianship and custody papers if applicable        
Home school students enrolling as Part-Time/Non-Registered (PTNR) students for the first time- During the last school year if your child was home schooled and would like to participate in either curricular, co-curricular, interscholastic, intramural or activities for the upcoming school year.  The following information is required to complete registration at the Student Registration Office:

                           1.  Student registration forms are located on the home page under District Forms, Student Enrollment Registration Forms
                          2.  Student's original birth certificate or passport
                          3.  Student's immunizations
                          4.  Parent/guardian proof of residency in the school district
                               (acceptable forms are signed lease or sale of house agreement, tax notice)
                          5.  Guardianship and custody papers if applicable.
                          6.  The appropriate appendices below.

2024-2025 PTNR students returning as PTNR students or full time-  During the last school year if your child was participating in either curricular, co-curricular, athletics or activities at the school and would like to continue for the upcoming school year or become a full-time student.  The following information is required to complete registration at the Student Registration Office:

                        1.  Parent/guardian proof of residency in the school district     
                          (acceptable forms are signed lease, current utility bill or sale of house agreement)
                           This must be submitted every year, even if you haven't moved.

                        2.  The appropriate appendices below.    

APPENDICES: Click on the name of the Appendix to open the document.  The complete Homeschooling Packet and Appendices in PDF format can be found at the following link:   Homeschooling Packet

Appendix A- This is the application, affidavit, health forms, and screening information required by the Upper Adams School District for home schooling.  This form must be submitted to Mrs. Courtney McCreary.  Each application will require two (2) weeks for review and approval.  The Student Registration Office can notarize your affidavit for free, please call ahead to make sure they are available.  

Outline- Sample outline for your reference.

Appendix B- As a homeschooling parent you are allowed to request materials from the school district.  Please fill out one form per child.  If you are only requesting materials you do not need to register.  Please return by August 15th to the District Office.

Appendix C- This form is to be completed if your child wants to take courses at their neighborhood school, one form per student.  Reminder these students are considered PTNR students and must be registered with the school district.     

Appendix D- The form should be completed for participation in interscholastic athletics.  Interscholastic athletics are only available for students in grades 9-12.  This request requires specific selection of the sport(s) of interest by March 15th.  

Appendix E- Elementary & Middle school students who would like to participate in school-based activities/events need to complete this form.  Specific activities are not required but highly recommended.  Many school-based activities/events are offered on availability of coaches, facilities and funds.  A complete list of school-based activities/events can be obtained by contacting the school in which you would attend, if enrolled.  You can participate in your neighborhood school(s) only. 

Appendix F- High School Students who would like to participate in co-curricular activities must complete this form.  Specific options, time lines and dates are not always available until after the start of the school year.  A list of activities can be obtained by contacting Biglerville High School.

Appendix G: - Homeschool Evaluation Form to be submitted no later than June 30th of each school year.

Miscellaneous Information   Food Service-  Occasionally, home school students may have lunch in school if they are in the building at that time for curriculum activities, co-curricular activities, or facilities use.  They may also be eligible for free and reduced lunch if they qualify.  This is not a service which may be selected in advance but rather a measure to be implemented for the convenience of the homeschooler if it is judged reasonable by administration during the school year.

Health Screening and Physicals- The school district will provide mandated health screenings to any school age student who is a resident of our school district regardless of enrollment status.  Home-schoolers are invited to participate in our health screenings at their neighborhood school to which they would be assigned.  Click Here To View The List Of Required Health Screenings For Each Grade Level.  For more information on screenings, please contact the appropriate health professional at the building your student  would attend.

Management of Student Data- Data for home schooled students will be maintained separate from other students.  PTNR student data will be maintained in the building they are assigned.  The following information is required for various state reports and/or to meet state regulations.          

Student Files Registration information, attendance records, grade, performance assessment records.  Health records will be maintained in the school nurse's office.  This information will be made available to the home school supervisor.
Transcripts   The Upper Adams School District will not provide an official transcript for homeschooled students who took courses through the school.  If you require unofficial transcript please contact your child's counseling office.  Home-schoolers are encouraged to maintain a transcript similar to that used in the public school.
Graduation Home-schoolers are not eligible for the Upper Adams School District diploma by Board Policy.  Please contact the Home School Office of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (717-787-4860) on information on how to get a diploma.  


Student Assessment- Please contact your child's neighborhood school and speak with administration for testing information.                                    

The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)
(Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)    

The Pennsylvania Keystone Exam  
(Available For Grade 11)   

Special Education Assessment/Services- Assessments will be conducted by the school district after a written request from a home school supervisor and a follow up meeting with school district staff.  Mr. Brian Booher should be contacted to make arrangements.  If services are necessary they will be provided in the public school. 

Student Parking-  Student parking information can be viewed on the Biglerville High School Website or by contacting the Biglerville High School Main Office.

Transportation-  Homeschooled students taking a first period class will be transported in the morning and those taking a last period class will be transported home.

The school principal and staff will be responsible for the supervision and discipline of home schooled students while in school.  Students will be expected to follow all rules and regulations of the Upper Adams School District.    

The following publications are available on the individual school's website, unless indicated otherwise:      Student Handbooks (Elementary & Secondary Levels)      Upper Adams School District Course Selection Guide (Biglerville High School Only)

Other Resources:  "The Guide to the PA Homeschool Law" by Howard and Susan Richman.  Copies can be purchase by contacting:  PA Homeschoolers, 105 Richman Ln., Kittanning, PA  16201.

Contact Information  

 Department  Name  Phone Number  Address  Email
Application / Affidavit / Health Forms Courtney McCreary  (717) 677-7191 161 N. Main Street Biglerville, PA 17307  Courtney McCreary
PSSA / Keystone Assessments Joseph Albin  (717) 677-7191 161 N. Main Street Biglerville, PA 17307  Joseph Albin
Special Education Brian Booher (717) 677-7191 161 N. Main Street Biglerville, PA 17307  Brian Booher
Interscholastic (Athletics)  Anthony Graham  (717) 677-7191 161 N. Main Street Biglerville, PA 17307 Anthony Graham
Curriculum, Books, Resources, & Student Activities     Building Principals
Enrollment / Registration Courtney McCreary (717) 677-7191 161 N. Main Street Biglerville, PA 17307  Courtney McCreary