How is a Student Identified?
General process outline
The general process for identifying a gifted student is as follows:
- The SAGES screening tool (Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students) is given to every second grade student near the end of the school year.
- A student who performs well on the screening may, with parent permission, receive a second screening, the KBIT-2 (Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test 2 nd ed.).
- Next, a committee (the school counselor, psychologist, principal, and teachers) meet to discuss the results of the screening.
- The school district then sends a letter to the parents at end of second grade or the beginning of third grade notifying the parents that the school district is interested in assessing their child for gifted support services.
- The parents are instructed to contact the school counselor to say whether they would like to continue with the assessment.
Non-traditional process There are special circumstances when a student may be identified as gifted earlier than the process outlined above.
Parent request Parents may request screening or testing for gifted support services in any grade at any time by sending a written request to the school principal.