Sustaining A Caring Community
Upper Adams School District Anti-Racism Plan
Our role is essential to supporting thriving future generations and we take that responsibility with great seriousness by fostering learning environments free of racism, discrimination, and bullying.
Every student is at the heart of our mission every day and we are dedicated to leading by example to address issues and behaviors of bias head-on and in a manner that is responsive and sustainable. Through unwavering commitment and consistent attention, we will be a school district focused on inclusivity and caring.
As we embark on our plan of action, we also continue in our dedication to providing a comprehensive educational experience preparing our students for post-graduation schooling and career opportunities. Our district vision is clear and concise: “All students college and career ready.” Today, the lens of our vision has expanded to how we affect fostering a community and world that supports our students’ success as we teach, mentor, and lead through exemplary behavior that inspires equitable change.
Our Anti-Racism Plan is the start of our efforts and we will continue to provide updates here on this page as our plan progresses. As we implement our plan and integrate a more inclusive lens into our work, we look forward to sharing our impact ongoing.
Below, we will provide ongoing updates to our efforts.
- May 18, 2021
As we continue in our commitment to ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for every student, the district is developing its Comprehensive Plan, inclusive of intentional and sustainable actions advancing diversity and inclusivity.
Our plans will be inclusive of the recommendations received in the independently conducted Fox Rothschild report on how the school district handles racism, bullying, and discrimination in and around our schools, as well as the outcomes of the district’s Climate Survey and Equity Audit currently underway. Our efforts will be guided by a newly formed committee that reflects our diverse community of voices.
An executive summary, provided by Fox Rothschild, inclusive of the received recommendations, is available for public review below. In addition to the summary report, the full list of recommendations from Fox Rothschild is linked below.
- Fox Rothschild Report: Executive Summary (English) Fox Rothschild Executive Summary
- Fox Rothschild Report: Recommendations (English) Fox Rothschild Recommendations
- Fox Rothschild Report: Executive Summary (Spanish) Fox Rothschild Resumen Executivo
We encourage our entire school community to provide feedback on the summary report, as well as the first part of our Anti-Racism Plan, linked below in English and Spanish, and our Comprehensive Plan. Please email your comments, suggestions, questions, and other feedback to
The district will be sharing an update on its plan, expected in the early fall of 2021, outlining our ongoing efforts to support the success of every student.
- May 4, 2021
We have received the report from the independent Fox Rothschild investigation of our responses, policies, and procedures regarding possible racism, bullying, and discrimination on the school district’s campuses.
We are now in the process of reviewing the report to provide a meaningful response to our entire school community. Once we have finished the review, we plan to release an executive summary to the public on May 18.
Read the first part of our Anti-Racism Plan, linked below in English and Spanish. We are committed to transparency in this process and engaging the school community at every step. We welcome your feedback. Please email comments or suggestions to
- March 15, 2021
Upper Adams School District released and launched the implementation of Part 1 of its Anti-Racism Plan, with the expectation of a Part 2 plan to be announced upon the receipt and review of the Fox Rothschild Report. Read the Anti-Racism Plan: Working Together to End Racism, Discrimination, and Bullying, Part 1 below.
The School board commits to doing everything in their ability to cultivate a positive learning environment, completely intolerant to all forms of racism, partiality, and bullying. See the board's pledge here: School Board Pledge.
Our Plan of Action
Read our Anti-Racism Plan: Working Together to End Racism, Discrimination and Bullying, Part 1.
Every Voice Matters
Your voice is important. The district strives to maintain a safe, positive learning environment for all students that is free of discrimination. Discrimination is inconsistent with the educational and programmatic goals of the district and is prohibited on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities and on any conveyance providing transportation to or from a school entity or school-sponsored activity.
If you have experienced or been witness to behaviors not reflective of our districts’ values of respect and inclusivity, the following resources are available to submit a formal report.
Safe2Say Something
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. With Safe2Say Something, it’s easy and confidential to report safety concerns to help prevent violence and tragedies.
Policy 103 Form
Reports may also be filed through our Policy 103 form to submit concerns directly to the school
Use The Tip Line In The UASD App