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Facilities Projects

What is a District Wide Feasibility Study?
On August 18, 2015 the Upper Adams School Board of Directors approved Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates (CRA) as the Upper Adams School District (UASD) architect of file.  This approval engaged CRA in providing UASD with a conceptual scope, plan, and development plan of action for matters related to our school facilities.

The CRA staff collected numerous UASD quantitative and qualitative data points and presented a District Wide Feasibility Study to the district during the summer of 2016.  Within this study, the Facilities Study Report was developed to assist the School District Board of Directors, staff, and community in the decision making process regarding the future utilization and disposition of its educational facilities.  Additionally, the report provides an update as to the current overall status of the school district, with respect to demographics and enrollment, as well as the current status of district wide facilities.

This report should be viewed as a starting point, or benchmark; providing a framework from which both a short and long term facilities master plan can be implemented for any recommended or desired facility improvements.  Any recommendations that result in upgrades to the present facilities will be structured to align with the School District’s Mission, Vision, Shared Values/Beliefs and Educational Programs

On October 18, 2016 and November 17, 2016, CRA provided two public presentations to provide an overview of the feasibility study. The CRA slides from the October and November presentations are included on this website. Additionally, the entire CRA District WideUASD Feasibility Study is also post.    

Facilities Study (Part 1- October 18, 2016): PDF Facilities Study (Part 2- November 17, 2016): PDF

Facilities (Part 1 of 2)

First page of the PDF file: UASDFacilityStudyPart1October2016
First page of the PDF file: UASDFacilityStudyPart2Nov2016_2